To catalyse the development of the local innovation ecosystem, inspire the community and develop technopreneurs
Showcase & Forum
Showcase and events of chosen tech themes to show the art of the possible
Innovate Programme
Enable acceleration of technopreneurs' opportunities development
Capability Programme
Dedicated programmes to accelerate tehe knowlegde of emerging technology in Brunei Darussalam
Showcase & Forum
Showcase and events of chosen tech themes to show the art of the possible
Innovate Programme
Enable acceleration of technopreneurs' opportunities development
Capability Programme
Dedicated programmes to accelerate tech knowledge of emerging technology in Brunei Darussalam
What is Brunei Innovation Lab?
Brunei Innovation Lab is a local ecosystem facilitator to encourage technopreneurs development through a network comprising of developers, start-ups, enterprises, academia and government institutions. Four Strategic Partners: Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP), Shell LiveWIRE Brunei, DST Digital (DST) and Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) are pooling technology and industry resources to provide technopreneurs with advanced access to platforms to develop, test and bring to market new use cases unleashing the potential of innovation both now and in the future.
Why was Brunei Innovation founded?
Brunei Innovation Lab was established as part of the Digital Economy Masterplan 2025 by the Digital Economy Council (DEC) of Brunei Darussalam. Brunei Innovation Lab will look to help drive innovation across various sectors by supporting technopreneurs that are changing the face of the industry and offering them a springboard to launch and accelerate their businesses.
I have further questions or comments, where can I submit them?
Thank you for your interest! We consider all input and queries valuable and we look forward to hearing from you! Kindly submit your queries to enquire@innovationlab.com.bn